accessories, activism, animal rights, celebrity, Contributor, cruelty-free, design, fashion, vegan, vegetarianJoshua KatcherFebruary 14, 2011Andy Stepanian, Anthony Two Moons, cpas, fall 2012 collections, Gregory Vaughan, Huffington Post, Lincoln Center, novacas, pinnacle, RightyRightyRight, robert verdi Lincoln Center Sustainable Fashion & PINNACLE accessories, activism, animal rights, celebrity, Contributor, cruelty-free, design, fashion, vegan, vegetarianJoshua KatcherFebruary 14, 2011Andy Stepanian, Anthony Two Moons, cpas, fall 2012 collections, Gregory Vaughan, Huffington Post, Lincoln Center, novacas, pinnacle, RightyRightyRight, robert verdi
veganJoshua KatcherNovember 08, 2010anti-fur, jessica Sjoo, pinnacle, reinvent the icon Elle Cover-Girl, Jessica Sjoo, Joins PINNACLE veganJoshua KatcherNovember 08, 2010anti-fur, jessica Sjoo, pinnacle, reinvent the icon
accessories, activism, celebrity, design, veganJoshua KatcherSeptember 13, 2010accessories, anti-fur, fur, pinnacle PINNACLE: Reinvent The Icon V.1 accessories, activism, celebrity, design, veganJoshua KatcherSeptember 13, 2010accessories, anti-fur, fur, pinnacle