Best Grooming of Summer 2016

When it comes to keeping our faces clean, our hair neatly in place - or effortlessly tousled, our teeth bright and our skin smooth and moisturized, there aren't too many grooming companies who meet The Discerning Brute trifecta of standards.
The standards are that products should not be tested on animals (cruelty-free), should contain high-quality ingredients (organic or synthesized), and products should contain no animal-derived ingredients commonly found in grooming products like sheep gland secretions (lanolin), or bee gland secretions (beeswax and propolis), or insect larvae gland secretions (silk proteins)... some people sure do like to rub other animals gland juices all over their faces, hair and lips... but I digress. Below you'll find some of our favorite companies whose grooming arsenal will keep you as shipshape as their production process.