22 Fit Vegan Guys Crushing It On Instagram

Building a posse on Instagram can help give you a daily influx of inspiration. After we posted 13 Vegan Guys on Instagram You Should Be Following, requests came in for more! Since we could all use some motivation to eat healthier, get off our butts and build some strength, here are 22 more of our favorite fit vegan dudes to flood your feed (links below).
In order of appearance: willtuckerfitness stijepovicmarko mitz.fit victhevegan tofu_fit_guy torre.washington johnnyxaro kufunya_kailtheveganchadjoshua.philip incogneato_veganiamveganmonktattedvegan mikecasefitnessrafaelpinto10 stefanokuhnlivityfitness jackedveganfrank_medranok1lla__cam master_shreddaitschrisdamon
Joshua Katcher