
Our friend Tommy Cole (Alter, This Old Thing?) pointed out the awesome creations from those crazy Canadians at the label Preloved. The name is exactly how it sounds. All of their garments are born of thrift, vintage fabrics and previously-loved articles.

DB's Etiquette Recommendation: This past fall Preloved recycled over 60,000 sweaters to create their fall clothing. That saves more than a few sheep from being sheared, cows dismembered, and ecosystems pillaged. Anything that requires almost no new materials has much less impact on the integrity of ecosystems. Even organic cotton and bamboo still requires new raw materials to be extracted from the earth - and while the ecological footprint is smaller, it's still not as sustainable as recycling. So what's greener than turning used rags into new riches? Shop thrift and re-purpose as often as possible.

Sweater Jacket

Tommy Cole (Alter, This Old Thing?) says: "We just returned from the Bread & Butter trade show in Barcelona, Spain and there was a HUGE presence of "green" fashion and sustainable stuff. Pre Loved is from Canada. (don't be fooled by the "girly" appearance of the site) they do recycled mens stuff as well (they do use a lot of wool... but its all recycled) and it is AMAZING., we are getting new merch from them mid-february."


So if you're in the NYC area, head over to ALTER to get some Pre-Love or click HERE for find other locations across the states and the globe!