Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 6.22.20 PMBUSHWICK INLET PARK BUILDING 86 Kent Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11249 United States


The Ethical Writers Coalition presents a round-table discussion on vegan fashion and sustainability. This exciting event features moderator Joshua Katcher (adjunct professor at Parsons The New School, founder of Brave Gentleman, and editor at The Discerning Brute), with fellow vegan fashion designers discussing the challenges and latest innovations, from high-tech, low-impact synthetics to lab-grown leather. It's a must for aspiring designers, stylish vegans, and anyone interested in sustainable fashion. Join us for an inspiring conversation over refreshments from Little Choc Apothecary. Ask questions, meet the designers, and learn what's next for cruelty-free design.

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International recording artist Joya Bravo will be performing with her electric violin at 7:30 before the panel gets underway.