• Heaven forbid that Americans should have a clear understanding of how meat gets to the table. New laws in Iowa and Florida criminalize undercover investigations into livestock production and are a serious threat to challenging how we treat animals on farms. Listen to NPR's four-minute piece on this:. So let me get this straight - the livestock industry is allowed to create completely fictionalized, idealized imagery and storytelling surrounding their industry (this is called advertising) depicting animals happily roaming quaint farms - but if we actually document the truth about what's happening on these farms, it is criminal. Isn't this the opposite of journalism?  The animal livestock industry is so powerful and there is so much money at risk if people could see how these animals live and die that they would make it illegal to access the truth? Ridiculous, scary, and worth getting loud about.

The only way they should be able to do this is if, as a trade-off,  they install live, 24 hr surveillance cameras in every area of their operations and broadcast them for anyone to view on the internet.

• These edgy, canvas, rubber and textile high-tops from Supra are on sale at GILT Groupe for about half-off. Gilt is invite only, so click here to join.

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• Peta is awesome. Iggy Pop talk's about Canada's shitty club scene in this clever poster.

Iggy Pop for PETA