The New Yorker's Bruce McCall Gets Hairy
The Sept 20th 2010 New Yorker cover features an illustration by Bruce McCall of a Polar Bear, Raccoon, Bear and Tiger wearing fur garments. Bruce is known for illustrating the social ironies of modern life, and clearly this cover is a comment on fashion week, and the upcoming cold weather. I think the message is clear - it's kind of ridiculous when one animal (ahem...) wears the skin of another. Or you could interpret it as "only animals wear fur". The anti-fur sentiment in New York is finally reaching a turning point, and it's clear that once people find out how fur is made, they are speaking up about it. If fur is something that rubs you the wrong way, and you've got something to say, check out The Discrning Brute's very own anti-fur initiative for designers and artists: PINNACLE.