This soup is so yummy, and it's so easy that even your three-legged, one-eyed rescued dog can make it. Well, maybe not, but you can give her some, and she'll love it! Live on this.

What You'll Need (Makes 6 Cups): • 1 Large organic Butternut Squash (You can also use Acorn or Delicata Squash) • 1 Cube of unsalted vegan bullion (I use Rapunzel, Unsalted Vegan Buillon) • 2 Shallots, diced • 3 Cloves of garlic, crushed • 1/2 Cup unflavored Almond Milk • 2 tsp Celtic Sea Salt or Pink Salt • 1 tsp nutritional yeast (for seeds) • 1 tsp olive oil

Directions: 1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. 2. Using a peeler, skin the squash. Chop the squash into approx. one-inch cubes. Set aside the seeds. 3. Place all ingredients  (aside from Nut. yeast) in the hot water, turn down heat, and simmer for about 20 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, toast the seeds until golden, in a toaster with  nutritional yeast sprinkled on top, if desired.