Slovenia is for Animal Lovers & Xie Young Takes A Stab at Fur
Artist Xie Yong, a professor at Shenyang University's art department, installs an eye on his fox-like sculpture (above) covered in needles during "Fur Hurts", an anti-fur campaign organized by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), at Zhuozhan Shopping Center in Shenyang, Liaoning province, March 27, 2013. PETA has also launched an interactive website in Chinese showcasing the sculpture in three-dimensions.

- farming and hunting animals for their fur
- farming and hunting animals for their skin
- farming and hunting animals for their down and feathers
- use of wild animals in circuses and similar shows
- religious slaughter without stunning
The law was being changed due to new EU regulations on animals used for scientific purposes, and Slovenian animal protection and rights non-governmental organizations managed to implement significant changes to the law - namely the ban on circus acts involving wild animals and the ban on farming and hunting animals for their fur, feathers or skin. The law was passed in the Slovenian Parliament with a great majority (95% support). (read the full article here at veganska-iniciativa)