• Bring homage to the sustainable dandy in Prophetik's Gentleman's Frock and bring out your ethical James Dean in the Top Gun motorcycle jacket. Both are constructed with hemp twill and organic cotton lining. They're pretty affordable too, considering fair labor, sustainable textiles, and meticulous craftsmanship.

• Remember when thousands of dead birds fell from the sky several weeks ago in Arkansas? http://mauricethefishrecords.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/ee74b8a7g_the-birds.jpgApparently, according to the HSUS, they were poisoned by our government:

While the research arm of the government program that conducts the killing—known as Wildlife Services—spends tax dollars developing non-lethal methods of control, its agents in the field promote killing as the only solution. With your help, the 80th anniversary will represent a turning point in one of the longest and saddest periods in the history of the treatment of American wildlife.

Sign the Petition to end the War on Wildlife.