Helmet of the Will makes 100% organic cotton Tees right here in Brooklyn. These are images from their upcoming Spring'09 collection. Get them at these stores.

This 'Ain't No Prius. The Tesla Roadster is a sheep in wolf's clothing. In fact it is a sheep that has mastered the walk and the talk of the wolf. It is even offered with a vegan, microfiber interior. As quiet and under-the-radar as a Stealth Bomber, and so efficient it gets 244 miles per charge. To top it off, it goes 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds, and is now in production. If you've got $109,000 to play around with, and you've already given to every charity you can think of, go for it!

The Tesla Roadster is an electric car and produces one-tenth the pollution of the best sports car

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