Deutscher Strongman Meister 2011 - Patrik Baboumian - Deutsche Strongman Meisterschaft - FlashreportAn den Kugeln konnte er nach 4 Punkten Rückstand im Kopf-an-Kopf an Daniel Wildt vorbeiziehen - Deutsche Strongman Meisterschaft - Flashreport Back in June, I wrote briefly about German strongman Patrik Baboumian, whose hulk-like strength was impressive enough to make a documentary about. Patrick has just won Germany's Strongest Man 2011 competition, and he currently holds the German crown in strength sports. From his own blog he says :

"After being LW champion in 2007 and 2009 and HW vice-champion in 2010, I finally hold the German crown in strength sports in my hands. It was a very hard battle in the rain and I had to fight against my injured calf as well but at the end I was victorious! Now I have proven finally, that being vegetarian makes you a better athlete!"

Beim LKW Ziehen landete Patrik nur auf dem vorletzten Platz - Deutsche Strongman Meisterschaft - Flashreport