Future Wild Man

"USA will not last for infinity", as my friends Jen and Seth of Dynasty Electric say in their song 'Land of Dreams'. That's exactly why I am planning a trip to Bear Mountain to learn about edible and medicinal wild plants and fungi that grow in the Northeast. It isn't really fantasy or science-fiction to consider the very-real future of our species on this plant. At some point, possibly sooner than later, knowing what we can eat in the wild (or what's left of it) might come in handy - and passing that information along to our kids, friends, and family just might make it possible for humans to survive after this civilization crashes. "This civilization is not invincible?" you ask. "Correct", I reply. And at the current rate of ecological devastation, human population growth, and intrinsically flawed economic models, making preparations to live outside of the conveniences and comforts of our massive agricultural food systems is not at all a bad idea
Steve "Wild Man" Brill educates people about what to eat - from on your lawn to in the woods. He's been eating Central Park greenery since the early 80's and has been featured on talk shows, radio, in every print publication you can imagine, and has even been arrested for eating dandelions, high bush cranberries, daylilly shoots, and winter mint in Central Park. In 2002 he published the "Wild Vegetarian Cookbook".
I want to plan a trip to eat some shoots and roots and get in touch with my inner Wild Man. You should come along! Check out the tour calendar to attend field walks and other events throughout the Northeast.
DB's Etiquette Recommendation: Future Primitivism is a legitimate philosophy. I recommend considering it. Most of the stereotypes, and what we think we know about pre-historic peoples, is untrue. Humans managed to live on a lush planet for about 3 million years without the technologies of this very young culture we find ourselves immersed in (and incidentally, nearly doomed by). Our civilization is only about 10,000 years old. That's just a blip - almost a fluke - on the timeline of human life on Planet Earth. For more info on this and related topics, I recommend:
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