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1. Sample sales are almost like shopping thrift, right? It's all the leftover stock that really has little impact on the supply and demand of most designers. Well, maybe that's just my rationalization for allowing myself to go buy stuff at them. What do you think? Are sample sales still conspicuous consumption? If we consider the standards they set for how people should look (maintaining social hierarchies based on glitz & glam), in a lot of ways, they're like 'humane' meat; there's not enough to satisfy everyone, and they make those who can participate feel a little less guilty about engaging in an ultimately destructive social behavior. No Impact Man's wife, Michelle, recently experienced a hunger for retail therapy. Read the story here.

Maybe Go to: BBlessing Sample Sale - NYC Up to 80% off BBlessing, Rag & Bone, Adam Kimmel, and Patrik Ervell. Fri. & Sat., noon-7 p.m. 5 Crosby St., b/t Grand & Howard Sts., ste. 6d (212-378-8005

Definitely read: Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic

The All-Consuming Epidemic  (2ND ed.)<br>de Graaf, Jo

When Purchasing Books, I strongly recommend supporting local independent bookstores. Use Booksense.com as opposed to the not-at-all-ethically-fabulous Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

2. Papal Passover. The Papal visit makes me think of those clergymen who wear Yarmulkes. I've always wondered why thttp://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/04R1dQn9156Hn/340x.jpghey wear them if they're not Jews? This leads me to thinking about Passover! If Passover is about the Jews being liberated from slavery, my four-questions are: How is tonight related to animal liberation? Do Jews have a duty to recognize slavery in all its forms and attempt to liberate the oppressed? Can something besides a hard-boiled egg, a bone, and honey be used on a Seder Plate considering their exploitative origins? What's a vegan to do on passover? Sit and cry into a bowl of Matzoh meal? Read this!

Attend a Vegan Seder

Vegan Passover Guide for Hungry Jews

Miami Herald Talks Veg Seder

Should Passover be Veg?

3. Time Out's 2008 Eat Out Awards puts Blossom at the top of their Reader's Choice list. (Other nominees: Candle 79, Counter)"There’s a reason feijoada—a Brazilian beef stew—contains meat: It’s a beef stew. So when a vegan place like Blossom offers a “lighter version,” made with smoky tempeh, black beans, chayote and sweet potatoes, you’re allowed to be skeptical. But those animal-friendly ingredients make the hearty dish taste that much better.Upscale while keeping its crunchy cred, the Chelsea restaurant does protein right: Try the satay (with seitan), the scaloppine (more seitan, with white-wine caper sauce) or the dancing curry (tofu and veggies, served with popcorny forbidden black rice). You can’t go wrong—but you already knew that."

(A few years back, I was the first waiter ever to work at Blossom!)

4. London’s First Vegan Footwear and Accessory Shop Opens Bourgeois Boheme, one of the UK’s most well-known online and animal-friendly fashion companies is Matt & Nat Zebranoopening London’s very first animal-friendly footwear and accessories retail outlet. On May 17th 2008, just a couple of days ahead of UK National Vegetarian Week, Bourgeois Boheme will celebrate the official opening with an open day at the shop in Richmond, London. Bourgeois Boheme founder and Director, Alicia says, “Unless you shop online, vegetarian footwear is difficult to find: it’s a dismal choice of either low-quality, cheap and environmentally-challenging shoes or Stella McCartney – gorgeous fashion no doubt, but very much beyond the pocket of many a style-conscious vegetarian/vegan.” Visitors will be able to buy Bourgeois-Boheme’s exclusive labelled styles as well as ethically sourced products from otherMacbeth Jackson companies; not only footwear, but also bags, wallets and belts for women and men, and cosmetics. Shop open day: Saturday 17th May, 1pm - 4pm. Refreshments and appetisers will be served. Please RSVP by Friday May 2nd May, info@bboheme.com /0208 8788 388 Press discounts are available upon request at the shop open day. Address: Hydrex House, Garden Road, Richmond TW9 4NR Shop hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm; Sat 10am - 2pm; by appointment.

Bourgeois Boheme’s range is available to buy online at www.bboheme.com.

5.Luxury Hotels and Resorts "Act to Save the Environment" with Eco-Friendly Hospitality.

According to the International Ecotourism Society, more than two-thirds of U.S. travelers consider "active protection of the environment, including support of local communities," to be part of a hotel's responsibility, while 70% would pay a premium to stay at a hotel with "a responsible environmental attitude." Hyatt is taking action.