If you missed the BUST Craftacular on Sunday, then you missed some amazing food! I teamed up with Farm Sanctuary and did a vegan waffle-demo with Q & A, then proceeded to pump out about 300 delicious banana-flax waffles with amazing toppings, and hundreds of delicious apple sage Field Roast sausage samples sauteed in Earth Balance with a touch of maple syrup. Lots of you asked where to get that Farmyard Waffle Iron, so HERE it is. Only $30! JoshuaDemoJoshDemo2

I was so thrilled to meet some you in person for the first time! Thanks for coming out! Also, a giant super-duper thanks to my bestie Melissa for being a waffle-making-machine-in-a-pinup-dress! You rock. Ok, ok...Here's the recipe:


WHAT YOU’LL NEED: • 1/2 large banana • 2 Tbsp flax based egg-replacer* • 4 Tbsp agave nectar • 1 cup rice milk • 1 tsp vanilla

• 1 1/2 cups spelt flour • 1 tsp baking powder • 1/4 tsp baking soda • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar • pinch of salt • canola baking spray (for waffle iron) • maple syrup to taste

• Toppings (strawberry, blueberry, soy yogurt!)

DIRECTIONS: * To make Flax Egg Replacer, simply combine Flax Seed and Water in a 1 to 2 ratio in a blender, until thick.

1. In a bowl, mash the banana until smooth. 2. Add the flax, agave nectar, and vanilla. 3. In a larger mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and baking powder. 4. Pour rice milk into the flour mixture, stirring with a fork. 5. Add the apple cider vinegar. 6. Add in the banana flax mixture from the other bowl. 7. Mix well. 8. Spray your iron lightly with the canola spray, and add the batter when hot! 9. Top with whatever you like! Try strawberry & banana, blueberry & soy whip, cinnamon & sugar, pecans & vegan butter, coconut milk-based ice cream, or chocolate sauce!


Special thanks go out to STOGO, Field Roast, Simple Food, Inc and Sweet & Sara for sponsoring  me with delicious chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and banana-berry ice creams, apple-sage veggie-sausages, decadent chocolate-soynut butter, and coconut, strawberry and plain vegan-marshmallows. Yum! Another special thanks to Brooklyn Kitchen for lending me amazing portable kitchen tools!


Sweet & Sara