
This is another recipe inspired by my momma! Growing up, one of my favorite treats was her whipped-cream cookie cake. It's like having a big, moist chocolate cookie dipped in sweet cream - and the best thing is that it's so easy to make! All you need is organic, vegan chocolate wafers, and soy whip! I used Newman's Alphabet Cookies and Soy Whip, both of which can be found at most health food stores and Whole Foods.


  • Medium size bowl
  • Organic, vegan chocolate wafer cookies (any brand)
  • Vegan whipped cream


  1. Layer each cookie with whipped cream and begin stacking horizontially in the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Once you've covered the bottom, put a layer of whipped cream over the first layer.
  3. Repeat until the bowl is full, and top with a thick layer of whipped cream.
  4. Leave in the fridge for at least 5 hours, or overnight. The cookies will absorb the moisture and become cake-like.
  5. Serve with a spoon, and top with a dollop of soy whip and a wafer!