Patrick Pleet is the menswear line associated with Samantha Pleet. The collection, featuring lots of organic cotton, and flax is locally made in New York city at a wind powered factory using local and organic materials whenever possible. Patrick Pleet was first introduced in 2008, a menswear line co-designed with her husband. In 2009 She received an the Ecco Domani sustainability design award for her work on the premiere collection of Bodkin. While the collection is not vegan (she does use some silk and wool) she is opposed to fur and skins. The Partrick Pleet images below are featuring organic cotton from the spring 2009 & 2010 collections:

Photos: Jacqueline Di Milia and David Black

• The LA Times covered an investigation conducted by the Humane Society of the United States at the nation's top egg producing facilities. Keep in mind that this is considered standard industry practice, not a few, rare cases of cruelty. Egg-laying chickens are considered the most abused animals on Earth. There are so many amazing alternatives to eggs in baking and cooking, there is really no need to continue supporting businesses that profit from the confinement and torture of so many creatures.

The Investigation is below:

Adbusters #89: The Ecopsychology Issue

• The New Issue of ADBUSTERS explores the link between the death of nature and the unraveling of the human psyche. How is the disintegration of our ecological home causing us to move through the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance? Can we embark on a program of ecotherapy to heal the planet and ourselves? Find out.