Google has provided and easy way to help contribute to the relief efforts in Hati. UNICEF is deploying clean water and sanitation supplies, therapeutic foods, medical supplies and temporary shelter to Jacmel and Port-au-Prince and CARE plans to start food distributions using stocks of high-protein biscuits from CARE warehouses in Haiti. Click Here to Donate

American Red CrossThe American Red Cross is working with its partners in the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, including the Haitian Red Cross, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster. You can also text "HAITI" 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross.

ONEHelp Hati drop it's almost 900M debt to the IMF and ensure that any emergency earthquake assistance is provided in the form of grants, not debt-incurring loans! Click Here.



Hope for Haiti

Consider giving to an organization that is doing recovery work right now in Haiti. Mercy Corps and Haiti Partners are working on addressing key issues such as clean water and shelter for children. Our allies at Network for Good put together a list of organizations on the ground doing direct relief work today. With one click, you can donate to one, several or all of them.




Quick Links to Most Popular Organizations
American Red Cross Doctors Without Borders Operation USA
Americares International Medical Corps OXFAM America
CARE International Rescue Committee Partners in Health
Catholic Relief Services Haitian Ministries Save the Children
Convoy of Hope MADRE UNICEF
Direct Relief International Mercy Corps World Vision Int'l


In addition to animals being rescuers, there are animals are in dire need of assistance as well. From family pets to wildlife, they should not be overlooked by rescue workers! The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is the world’s largest alliance of animal welfare organizations.  Support their effort, Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) .

. Yorkers! Check out SuperVegan's Bake Sale for Haiti during Vegan Drinks on Thursday, January 28, 7-9 p.m. at Angels & Kings. They NEED YOUR HELP, NY VEGANS! Many of you have crazy vegan baking skillz, and we want you to put those superpowers to work on behalf of the critters of Haiti.



A dog in Haiti. AFP/Getty Images

As with any disaster of this magnitude, animals are also suffering and in dire need of care. If you'd like to support HSI's (Humane Society International) International Disaster Fund, which is used to help relief efforts around the globe, click here.





IFAW's expert team of disaster responders is preparing for the worst. We are partnering with WSPA to mount a coordinated animal relief response. Your donation will help us buy the bandages, vaccines, antibiotics and other supplies for our mobile veterinary clinic.