CPAS Spring 2011 & China Bans Animal Circuses
• CPAS continues to impress with recycled parachute blazers, organic cotton pants and jackets, upcycled tee-shirt liners, cool cuts and innovative accessories. CPAS is fairly-made and never uses leather or fur. Here are some looks you'll see on the racks for Spring 2011:
• China has banned animal circuses and warned its zoos that they must stop abusing animals or face closure."Live animal shows and circuses are hugely popular in China, and draw around 150 million visitors a year at 700 zoos", According to The Telegraph. This is one of the first animal welfare laws in China's history. Some highlights of the new law:
- • The ban will also force zoos to stop selling animal parts in their shops and zoo restaurants will have to stop serving dishes made out of rare animals, another widespread practice.
- • Zoos will no longer be able to pull the teeth of baby tigers so that tourists can hold them
- • Zoos will have to stop attractions where live chickens, goats, cows and even horses are sold to visitors who can then watch them be torn apart by big cats.
- • Zoos with "entertainment" like live monkey-fighting, tigers jumping through hoops of fire, and bears walking on tight-ropes must immediately discontinue these practices.
The ban came into force on Tuesday January 18th, 2011 across the 300 state-owned zoos ,which are part of the China Zoo Association. This is a huge turning point for China, and hopefully the law will call public attention to the incredible plight that animals who are kept confined or caged, outside of their natural habitat, prevented from doing anything their bodies and minds evolved to do, and forced to perform cruel tricks and beg for food, experience.
If China, the country that has bear-bile farms, the largest fur exports in the world (including domesticated dog and cat) and a taste for endangered animal parts, can outlaw animal circuses and other cruel acts -certainly, the United States can too.